Bundle 3-1





Family in Quebec

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Ref. Year Date Place Letter to: Letter from: Subject: Scanned Transcript
3.1.1 1773 25-May London ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness (?) John Johnston, London Encouraging his nephew to study to be a doctor & to learn Latin.  News of Mr Isbister's death in Quebec, wife & six children sailed for London p p
3.1.2 1763 18-Aug Charlestown, South Carolina ‘Dear Mother’ The Widow of John Johnston John Johnston Shipped from Havana for Pensecola, but 'Capt being ignorant of the Current steered a wrong course'.  Voyage originated in Quebec, 'James & I is so often crossing the seas'   p p
3.1.3 1770 24-Nov London ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness John Johnston, London Concerning Wm Halcro's need to raise money for trade with India & negotiations for this with Andrew Crookshank, & possibly with Mr Laing p p
3.1.4 ~1774 ??   ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness John Johnston  Acquainting him that Broyr James will give training to Joshua's son.  Mr Halcro, 'Just before he sailed he had the misfortune to loose all the remaining India goods'. p p
3.1.5 ~1774 ??   ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness John Johnston, London Unable to remit money as 'I had upwards of £70 worth of goods returned'.  James Irvine in London. p p
3.1.6 1769 6-Oct London ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness John Johnston, London Joshua's daughter Peggie in trouble in London 'as innocently unguarded as we when seduced by the Sergeant'.  Asking Joshua to press Wm Halcro to sell his estate in Orkney to John's brother in law, Malcolm Laing.  p p
3.1.7 1771 12-Jan London ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston, Stromness John Johnston, London Reporting complicated financial transactions for Wm Halcro's land with Mr C (Andw Crookshank ?) p p
3.1.8 1772 15-Sep London ‘My dear nephew’ John Johnston at Mr Joshua Johnston’s in Stromness John Johnston, London Exhorting his 12 yr old nephew to get an education !  'you must learn to understand arithmetick well & likewise book-keeping', 'if you have a mind to go to sea, learn navigation also'. p p
3.1.9 1773 17-Feb London ‘Dear Brother’ Joshua Johnston John Johnston, London Family news, Broyr James chartered a vessel to W. Indies, Crafts McKay well, expecting reply from nephew, Jack.  p p
3.1.10 1773 20-Apr London ‘Dear nephew’ John Johnston John Johnston, London Further encouragements to learning. 'glad that you learn Latin as well as Arithmetick & Book keeping', 'I would wish you either to be a student in Phisick ...  or to take your chance in the capacity of a Merchant Clark'. p p


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